Social impact patronage

Help me help others, using tech for good

Renew domain #safedistancingsg #socialimpactpatronage

Spent hours trying to fix domain issues with Vodien which randomly took down my domain. Domain now all fixed but waiting for DNS records to propagate... #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Fixed background color bug in #psisg #socialimpactpatronage

Scheduled weekly newsletter to publish on Saturday later today - #indiejourney #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Fixed Flat Data cron job, added flat data source as 2nd source to check against to see which one shows a more recent reading #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Messing around with cors proxies all day to get data from a gov public endpoint that's blocked by cors/csp. Tried Github's Flat Data too (that uses GH Actions). Didn't manage to solve it. Might try Cloudflare Workers using cloudflare-cors-anywhere instead. #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added v-cloak to prevent flash of white screen + variable, added SG flag to show it's a local app, fixed bug where refresh didnt refresh bg color #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Added emoji to main metric for better UX, added pulse icon to hint at clickability. Fixed bugs from feedback #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Day 1185 - In my element - #lifelog

Added emoji icons, progress bar to make it clearer what the number and label means #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Day 1184 - Launched: UVIndex.SG - #lifelog #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Set up domain and v1 web app on Cloudflare #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Moved domain and website to Cloudflare #psisg #socialimpactpatronage

Bought new domain for S$64.50 #museumsg #socialimpactpatronage

Curious why didn’t the SG gov didn’t secure that domain earlier


Bought new domain for S$64.50 #uvindexsg #socialimpactpatronage

Renewed domain for S$64.50 #visualaid #socialimpactpatronage

Breakfast chat with CE NHB, and visit to National Conservation Centre #outsprint #socialimpactpatronage

First meeting being volunteer on Advisory Panel for Digital Innovation at National Heritage Board - love the spirited riffing and discussions for 4h! 🔥 #outsprint #socialimpactpatronage

Chat with social worker to help him think about using nocode tools for community engagement work in Punggol

Cancelled $15/m Chatfuel subscription after shutting down Grant Hunt chatbot, cos can't afford it anymore with my financial situation. End of an era... (but directory site still up, and if I get access to ChatGPT Plus, will build a custom GPT for Grant Hunt - downside is only people with ChatGPT Plus subscription will have access to it)


keep it lean 👍

Jason Leow Author

Cost-cutting measures!


Shut down Chatfuel chatbot for Grant Hunt, cos can't afford it anymore with my financial situation. End of an era...

Fixed bug where no PSI reading displayed after cookies cleared, due to National PSI pref set in localStorage but API no longer gives National PSI reading