Real talk. How’s everybody doing?

How’s life treating ya? Does anybody need a 🤗 hug?

James Kenny

All ok here, it feels like it's been a week though.

Not a lot of movement on the bigger things I want to get done but on a lot of small stuff I made some good progress, which could be good to get them sorted but feels a bit exhausting.

Hope you are doing good Helen!

Josh Manders Staff

I'm hanging on, definitely ready for my "off-the-grid" 7 day cabin retreat into the wilderness of the Minnesota/Canada border next weekend.


it's hard, but it's getting better 😎

hope everyone is doing okay. also thanks for the hug 🤗


Been a tough year overall due to visa woes, but it's hopefully sorted out and my GF and I are ready to go on a digital-nomad trip to Siciliy soon, so I'm excited about it.

Joshua Berrios 🇵🇷

I am blessed despite being laid off from my day job last week. I am blessed because God is always in the midst of the path I am guided through by Him. Doing my best to stay focused on building and also applying for positions as a dev and some temporary jobs until I get the dev job that will sustain my family for years to come. But I definitely will take the hug. Thank you so much @helengriffinjr 🤗

Yohann Ravino

I lost all my freelance clients few month ago But I think it was a sign of God in order to stop postpone creating my startup And look I'm here now trying to build it and it's something more valuable for me I'm grateful and it's pleasure to be around people like you

Joshua Berrios 🇵🇷

@yohann_ravino rooting for you brother. Continue to strengthen yourself in Christ and He will lay out the plans of your startup as if you hired a mastermind. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

Yohann Ravino

@ixoyedesignstudio Thanks for your message, feeling support help to transform fear in courage 💪 today I post a new things on it


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