
I am learning how to manage work & family demands while I build Jovial & 🆘. #buildinpublic to help working family caregivers. 👇🏾 http://try.jovial.app/sos/for/makerlog

🐛 Dealing w/ 1st beta bug that requires reevaluating my process

👩🏾‍💼👩🏽‍💼👩🏼‍💼 Chat w/ beta pilot founders

📅 🌎 Map out last 2 projects for 2018 sales & website copyedits

👩🏾‍💻 Not giving up on javascript basic algorithms

🔮 Plan next steps to finish website updates before vacation

👩🏾‍💼👨🏼‍💼 Qualified lead became a prospect during meeting

📅📧 Schedule Monday 🌤️ "don't ask for nothing but share resource" emails

👩🏾‍💻 Finished files, loops & conditional logic challenge

👩🏾‍💻 Start files, loops & conditional logic challenge