Maximilian Torggler

Fullstack Web Developer

Started working on advanced 3D audio editor, switched to a Matrix4 represenation of all entities

Started working on enhanced internal editor for , to create even more realistic audio environments

The goal is to reach a quality level good enough to render hours long videos for YouTube (which is planned to become a long-term acquisition channel).

Worked out marketing plan for November 📈 Let's what sticks and what doesn't

Exciting times ahead!

Written a short post about my hacktoberfest experiences:

Morning run and healthy breakfast, let's see if I can stick to it 🏃‍♂️

Implemented presentation mode for creating stunning videos of

Preparing PH and HN launch

Maximilian Torggler Author

The plan would be to launch by the end of September. By preparing, I mostly mean building up some sort of "initial audience", so that I already have some support on launch day. Although I am not sure how to exactly achieve that 🤷‍♂️


When are you launching?


Create precise marketing plan with clear traction goals

While re-reading "Traction", create a clear step-by-step marketing plan which takes into account different target audiences. In the current stage, the traction goals will always be a higher number of visitors.

Evaluated effects of blog post on Core Metrics, rather modest 🤷‍♂️ but that's how it is, we need to try and try again and after that, try again

Published post on

Started Soundescape's Twitter Career 😅

First blog post on soundescape:

Fully implemented custom Java plugin (for cordova) for latency free photo taking with GPS timestamps (which come from an external GPS device connected via USB OTG) 💫

I even open sourced it here:

Will add docs later this day. Maybe it will be useful to somebody else one day.

Fully implemented custom cordova plugin for (nearly) latency free image capturing

Next up: Map GPS coordinates from sensor (connected via USB serial, OTG) to images with native code (currently that's done in a web worker, which causes some performance issues)

Made new soundescape version work on iOS 14 and Mac Safari 14 🥵

Older Safari versions need to confirm a dialog every time an audio plays for the first time 🤷‍♂️

Result of testing new Soundescape version on Mac Safari: Have to re-write the audio loading/playing logic so that it doesn't get blocked by the "autoplay" policy 😢

Apple has some ridiculous "autoplay" policies which make it very hard to implement serious audio applications. This perfectly lines up with their yearlong strategy of preventing web apps to be able to compete with native apps, defending their app store monopoly. I have to find a way now that the audio soundescape if playing on randomized intervals don't get classified as "autoplaying" (which they obviously don't, and all the other browsers, which also have autoplay policies in place, are perfectly able to recognize that). Sorry if I sound frustrated, that's because... I am.

**Now I have to postpone the launch of the new soundescape version. Great**