Jason Leow

Indie hacker, solopreneur | Creating a diverse portfolio of products + services.

Onboarding call with @_lhermann to get set up to start coding for Stagetimer! πŸŽ‰ #indiejourney #decodingcoding

Realised personal website jasonleow.com isn't responsive so added viewport meta tag, added status tags to mobile #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom

Realised personal website jasonleow.com isn't responsive so added viewport meta tag, added status tags to mobile #indiejourney #jasonleowdotcom

[Post-dated] Video call with Lukas from Stagetimer.io to talk about possibly working with them as Vue dev #indiejourney

Money is a story - https://golifelog.com/posts/money-is-a-story-1720049750519 #lifelog

Added 2 new items Print Your Copy (https://www.printyourcopy.com), an invoice generator by @TheHighSecond, and @leifjerami's personal website (https://leifjerami.com), to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365) #listskit #commit365

Added 2 new items Print Your Copy (https://www.printyourcopy.com), an invoice generator by @TheHighSecond, and @leifjerami's personal website (https://leifjerami.com), to the Commit365 directory (https://listskit.com/commit365) #listskit #commit365

Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - https://jasonleow.com/ #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit

Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - https://jasonleow.com/ #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit

Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - https://jasonleow.com/ #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit

Updated personal website, added new projects to it, as sort of a portfolio now - https://jasonleow.com/ #indiejourney #psisg #uvindexsg #listskit

Scheduled call with @shl (of Gumroad fame! 🀩) to chat about possible dev work. Wow imagine working on Gumroad (which I use) #indiejourney

Answered follow-up questions from HR regarding for Deputy Director role, CoCreate Lab, MSF #outsprint

Day 1280 - Looking for web dev work - https://golifelog.com/posts/looking-for-web-dev-work-1719973016546 #lifelog #indiejourney

Day 1280 - Looking for web dev work - https://golifelog.com/posts/looking-for-web-dev-work-1719973016546 #lifelog

Tweeted about hunting for web dev work for Vue/Nuxt/JS - https://x.com/jasonleowsg/status/1808069279386161568 #indiejourney

Created profile on reverse job board, Vue Developers (https://www.vue-developers.com) to find freelance part-time work as a web dev. Profile URL - https://www.vue-developers.com/developers/4d235e1c-c00c-49ed-a223-fb521d7fc8ef #indiejourney

Someone asked to sign up to be affiliate over DM. Sent link, and added affiliate registration link to footer #listskit

Day 1279 - We contain multitudes - https://golifelog.com/posts/we-contain-multitudes-1719881930272 #lifelog

Added 1 new item Loopple (https://www.loopple.com/boilerplate), a NextJS boilerplate + drag & drop builder by @rarestomaa, to the SaaS Starters directory (https://listskit.com/saasstarters) #listskit

Just realised Keto List Singapore had climbed up to no.1 top search result on Google for keywords "keto singapore"! πŸ˜²πŸŽ‰ #ketolistsingapore

Day 1278 - July 2024 goals - https://golifelog.com/posts/july-2024-goals-1719812785758 #lifelog

Added 1 new item to Keto List Singapore directory (https://ketolistsingapore.com), updated other directory items, changed search bar's search to be based on description not title #ketolistsingapore #listskit

Added 1 new item to Keto List Singapore directory (https://ketolistsingapore.com), updated other directory items, changed search bar's search to be based on description not title #ketolistsingapore #listskit

Day 1277 - June 2024 wrap-up - https://golifelog.com/posts/june-2024-wrap-up-1719717211762 #lifelog

Jason Leow Author


Current MRR: $127 One-off revenue: $2555 Total revenue: $2682 Total costs = $250 Total profit: $2432 Profit margin: 90.6%