
Build, learn, and grow in public

Sent out new promo tweet.

Add "badges" feature to roadmap

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add timezone to streak card on

Walter Jenkins

This is awesome! Time really is the hardest part


add notice under streak on to tell you when the day will end on the server

I'm still making sure this works right because I suck at timezones and date stuff, so if this doesn't look right to you, please respond to this task so I can make changes.
Josh Manders Author Staff

Also in your settings page under streaks you can set your timezone to make it go based off your actual timezone. If you're having issues with it now, it could be because your timezone isn't correct.


setup cronjob to restart api at 8am UTC every day

Hopefully this bandaid will resolve the issue until the rebuild is ready.

restart all processes

something wrong where logs stopped showing until restarting everything. Have to look into a fix for this as it seems to always happen when I'm off grid
Goutham Jay

Seems strange. Also Josh, realized my streak went down to 0 though I was posting continuously🤔 Is this a different issue?

Josh Manders Author Staff

@gouthamjay I'm not sure, I'm not very familiar with the codebase, so when this issue happens I'm not sure what's causing it right now, maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I'm sorry :(


force everyone to follow me to keep up-to-date on changes

Easier if you all follow me than it is to build a blog/news thingy to post updates
Fajar Siddiq

FOLLOW! 🤣 i pinned for you on the telegram!

John Shahawy

pathofleastresistance 😂


Delete and users from mailerlite

See more in my rant thread here:

TL;DR: I can only send emails to users who signed up within the last 2 years because I've never emailed anyone from the userlist before. Basically I gotta constantly email users to be able to send users older than 2 years emails about changes to Makerlog.

export all users from into mailerlite

Time to start talking to people and get feedback.

Add @jasonleow to Awesome Club.

In recognition of hitting 1300 day streak, I've added Jason to the Awesome Club. Enjoy your new badge and fly it with honor!
Josh Manders Author Staff

Yep it's a manual badge added by editing the code!

Jason Leow

Oh wow manual… awesome thank you!


Call to all makerloggers!

If you haven't please read my thread in discussions:

Fix product icon stretch issue

Icons on product pages were stretched out, so I resolved that.

Update socials with new branding logo

A fan of Makerlog sent me their redo of the logo and I enjoyed it so much I purchased it. Working on getting the website updated with it, but all socials now use it.
Carl Poppa 🛸

loving it!! 😍


translate existing "user signed out" hero to new and flesh out dark mode

Start putting together some automated tweets for twitter.

Going to start automating some tweets on the @GetMakerlog twitter account, so far we have one for "What are we building today?" daily tweets, and a few customized ones for specific days, like Friday's instead of "What are we building" it's "what are we shipping today?"

get ahold of the @MakerlogBot account to start doing some automated discussions

@jameskenny's "Feature Friday" is going to start becoming a weekly feature in the discussions here on Makerlog, and we'll be posting them under the MakerlogBot account and auto-tweeted from the GetMakerlog twitter.

Pitched a couple new ideas to users to get their feedback

Responses were pretty good, we may have some new ideas in the works!