Finalised a promotion strategy

Working on the strategy for how to launch our publicly. Doing research. is a promising finding

Summed up and decided to go with 5 channels. It will be a test, so some channels may fall off after a few iterations. My first priority channels:
1. Polish English schools. Wanna reach them and propose a platform to boost speaking practice for their students.
2. Building TikTok account. It's a content-driven platform, so I can work on content creation than inner promotion.
3. Our Telegram Community. We have a small community of active users who share thoughts about the learning process and practicing writing, by the way.
4. Facebook ads. It's not the first attempt. I have spent around 200$ so far, but we have one customer who can help us with this channel.
5. Social media founders. We have some community around and we'd like to share information about us. Perhaps there will be people who would be interested in our solution.